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ICoN 3220
Type: Person
Name: Lyndewode, Guilelmus
Name: Lyndewode, Guilelmus
Dates: 1375 — 1446
Gender: male
Biographical details: 1375?-1446; ODNB; B. E. Ferme, "The Provinciale of William Lyndwood: the Sources, Contents and Influence", unpublished D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 1987, esp. 7-41, with the references given there; A. Compton Reeves, "The Careers of William Lyndwood", in Documenting the Past: Essays in Medieval History Presented to George Peddy Cuttino, ed. J. S. Hamilton and Patricia J. Bradley (Wolfeboro, NH, and Woodbridge, 1989), 197-216, with the references given there; J. H. Baker, "William Lyndwood", in Monuments of Endlesse Labours: English Canonists and their Work, 1300-1900 (London, 1998), 43-55.
Editor: MAPF
Start of time period: 14th century AD
End of time period: 15th century AD
Period: late medieval
ICoW 1537 — Constitutiones provinciales ecclesiae Anglicanae
ICoW 1538 — Gloss on Constitutiones
ICo 2559: Constitutiones provinciales ecclesiae Anglicanae, from 1483 to 1484 ca. (PE)
ICo 2560: Constitutiones provinciales ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1496-5-31 (PE)
ICo 2561: Constitutiones provinciales ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1499-4-15 (PE)
ICo 2562: Constitutiones provinciales ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1497 ca. (PE)