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ICoN 5683
Type: Person
Name: Kunne, Albrecht
Name: Kunne, Albrecht
Editor: MAPF
ICo 192: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis et legalis, ante 1489 (PE)
ICo 567: Processus Satanae contra genus humanum, 1500 ca. (PE)
ICo 1314: Instruktion wider die Pestilenz, 1494 (PE)
ICo 1315: Ordnung wider die Pestilenz, post 1494 (PE)
ICo 1351: De retentione decimarum, 1485 ca. (PE)
ICo 1352: De retentione decimarum, 1489 (PE)
ICo 1550: Differentiae legum et canonum, from 1491 to 1500 ca. (PE)
ICo 1812: Indulgentiae [Ablassverzeichnis], from 1514 to 1520 ca. (PE)
ICo 1835: Indulgentiae et certa privilegia ordinis Sancti Anthonii, 1515 ca. (PE)
ICo 1894: Bulla 6 Jan. 1484/85 "Sacrosanctam matrem ecclesiam", post 1485-1-6 (PE)
ICo 2577: Mandatum judicum Curiae Augustensis. Issued at Dillingen, 18 Kal. Feb. (15 Jan.) 1485, 1494 ca. (PE)
ICo 2708: Modus legendi abbreviaturas, 1500 (PE)
ICo 2813: Repetitio capituli "Omnis utriusque sexus" de poenitentiis et remissionibus, 1490 (PE)
ICo 2999: Breviarium totius juris canonici, sive Decretorum breviarium, 1486 (PE)
ICo 3000: Breviarium totius juris canonici, sive Decretorum breviarium, 1499 (PE)
ICo 3109: Indulgentia 1489. For promoting the war against the Turks, ante 1489-4-5 (PE)
ICo 3110: Indulgentia 1489. For promoting the war against the Turks, ante 1489-4-5 (PE)
ICo 3111: Indulgentia 1489. For promoting the war against the Turks, ante 1489-4-5 (PE)
ICo 3112: Indulgentia 1489. For promoting the war against the Turks, ante 1489-4-9 (PE)
ICo 3113: Indulgentia 1489. For promoting the war against the Turks, ante 1489-9-11 (PE)
ICo 3114: Indulgentia 1489. For promoting the war against the Turks, 1489 ca. (PE)
ICo 3157: Indulgentia 1490. For promoting the war against the Turks, 1490 (PE)
ICo 3158: Indulgentia 1490. For promoting the war against the Turks, 1490 (PE)
ICo 3159: Indulgentia 1490. For promoting the war against the Turks, 1490 (PE)
ICo 3160: Indulgentia 1490. For promoting the war against the Turks, 1490 ca. (PE)
ICo 3161: Indulgentia 1490. For promoting the war against the Turks, 1490 ca. (PE)
ICo 3162: Indulgentia 1490?. For promoting the war against the Turks, 1490 ca. (PE)
ICo 3301: Indulgentia 1482. For promoting the war against the Turks, 1473 (PE)
ICo 3938: Statuta synodalia Augustana (Augsburg), post 1486-10-24 (PE)
ICo 4030: Statuta fraternitatis ecclesiae parochialis oppidi Weissenhorn, Augustensis dioecesis, post 1500 (PE)
ICo 4031: Statuta fraternitatis ecclesiae parochilalis oppidi Weissenhorn, Augustensis dioecesis [German] Die Statuten der löblichen Bruderschaft Weissenhorn, post 1500 (PE)
ICo 4059: Conclusiones cum earum declarationibus super canonizatione Simonis Tridentini, post 1475-12-6 (PE)
ICo 4396: Indulgentia 1480. For promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes. Principal commissary Johannes de Cardona, post 1480 (PE)
ICo 4397: Indulgentia 1480. For promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes. Principal commissary Johannes de Cardona, post 1480 (PE)
ICo 4398: Indulgentia 1480. For promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes. Principal commissary Johannes de Cardona, post 1480 (PE)
ICo 4567: De divina praedestinatione. Add: De retentione decimarum, from 1486 to 1489 ca. (PE)
ICo 4618: Ausschreiben betreffend das Darlehn auf den Gemeinen Pfennig. Formular für besondere Fälle. Lindau, 30 Jan. 1497, post 1497-1-30 (PE)
ICo 4619: Ausschreiben betreffend das Darlehn auf den gemeinen Pfennig. Lindau, 30 Jan. 1497, post 1497-1-30 (PE)
ICo 4620: Ausschreiben betreffend das Darlehn auf den gemeinen Pfennig. Lindau, 30 Jan. 1497, post 1497-1-30 (PE)
ICo 4621: Ausschreiben betreffend das Darlehn auf den Gemeinen Pfennig. Formular für adelige Stände. Lindau, 30 Jan. 1497, post 1497-1-30 (PE)
ICo 4622: Ausschreiben betreffend das Darlehn auf den Gemeinen Pfennig. Lindau, 30 Jan. 1497, post 1497-1-30 (PE)
ICo 4623: Ausschreiben betreffend das Darlehn auf den gemeinen Pfennig. Formular für Städte. Lindau, 30 Jan. 1497, post 1497-1-30 (PE)