ICo 1747: Forma confessionalis, 1480. [Indulgentia for the benefit of the Frauenkirche in Munich], ante 1480 (PE)
ICo 1748: Forma confessionalis, 1480. [Indulgentia for the benefit of the Frauenkirche in Munich (München)], ante 1480 (PE)
ICo 1794: Certificate of confession prolonging the indulgence promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes, 1481, 1481 ca. (PE)
ICo 1813: Indulgentiae ac beneficia a sede apostolica concessa omnibus benefactoribus Hospitalis ordinis sancti spiritus Romae, 1475 ca. (PE)
ICo 3355: Causa concessionis infrascriptum indulgenciarum fuit videlicet propter obsidionem factam per Turcos civitati et insulae Rhodi, post 1480-5-4 (PE)
ICo 3622: Bulla 12 Dec. 1479 "Catholicae fidei defensionem" for the indulgence for promoting the war against the Turks and for the defence of Rhodes, post 1479-12-12 (PE)
ICo 3684: Indulgentia 1480. For promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes, 1480 (PE)
ICo 3685: Indulgentia 1480. For promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes, 1480 (PE)
ICo 3686: Indulgentia, 1480. For promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes, 1480 (PE)
ICo 3687: Indulgentia, 1480. For promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes, 1480 (PE)
ICo 4395: Indulgentia 1480. For promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes. Principal commissary Johannes de Cardona, 1480 (PE)
ICo 4415: Indulgentia 1481. For promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes. Principal commissary Johannes de Cardona, ante 1481-3-2 (PE)
ICo 4583: Ausschreiben betreffend Kloster Ottobeuren. 27 May 1480, 1480-5-27 ca. (PE)