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ICo 2884
Type: Printed Edition
Headings: Tudeschis, Nicolaus deLectura super V libris Decretalium
Agents: Wenssler, Michael, printer; Ruppel, Berthold, printer; Richel, Bernard, printer (attributed)
Place: Basel (expressed)
Date: 1477 (expressed)
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 1, pars 1]
Incipit: ‘[G]regorius episcopus Quoniam omnis ratio superne creature ...’
[a1r][Woodcut illustrating the papal bull: Pope Gregory IX is depicted enthroned, handing over an open volume to a man who brings his hand to his hat to remove it. He is presumably a jurist, as are the three men standing behind him watching the scene and raising their hands. Next to the throne stands a cardinal holding the pope’s ferula (the papal staff). ]
Explicit: ‘... ubi videtur expresse probari vide tamen omnino quod dixi in c. ex parte supra de consti. et hec sufficiant. Nicolaus abbas.’
‘Finis prime partis.’
[[In all volumes, running titles of the rubrics.]]
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 1, pars 2]
‘De officio et potestate iudicis delegati R.’
Incipit: ‘Supra visum est in precedentibus rubricis de his qui vices alienas ...’
Explicit: ‘... hoc quoque permittendum non est cum tribus sequentibus.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 1]
Colophon: ‘Explicit lectura famosissimi utriusque iuris doctoris domini Abbatis Siculi archyepiscopi Panormitani super primum decretalium librum que per optime emendata impressionem Basilee adepta est. Anno nativitatis Cristi [sic]. M.CCCC.Lxxvii.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 2, pars 1]
Incipit: ‘Quoniam hic principium voluminis non existit in prohemio et preludiis aliter instare non censui attamen quia super hoc secundo libro aliorum iuris canonici difficillimo ac magis utili quem de presenti in hac amplissima et ornatissima Senarum urbe ordinarie lego labente anno Domini M.cccc.xxi ...’
[a2r][Woodcut illustrating book II: A secular judge is depicted enthroned, his right hand placed on his chest and his left hand grasping a document presented by a man in front of him. The man kneels slightly and removes his hat in reverence, as he is presumably presenting an indictment act. Next to the judge, a man wearing a hat and a fur-lined robe - probably the man's lawyer - stands with a stick in one hand and the other hand on his chest. Further back, a man in the same attire (hence, perhaps, the defendant’s lawyer) turns his head to speak to the two men behind him, planning their defence. At the judge's feet sits a scribe, who is writing the minutes of the judicial proceeding.]
Explicit: ‘... instantibus Altissimus a quo cuncta bona procedunt. Amen.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 2, pars 1]
‘De iudiciis. Rubrica’
Incipit: ‘Hec rubrica potest continuari ad precedentia duobus modis ...’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 2, pars 1]
Colophon: ‘Prima pars Abbatis super secundum Decretalium librorum finitur. Anno a natali christiano M.cccclxxvii.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 2, pars 2]
Incipit: ‘[H]ec rubrica satis continuat a fuit supra in precedenti rubrica sed magis specifice potest sic continuari ...’
[a2r][Woodcut illustrating book II: A judge is depicted seated in a frontal position, visually suggesting his impartiality in the administration of justice. With his finger he points to the left, where two men stand, one holding a document with seals hanging from it (an indictment act?). On the opposite side stand two other men, one approaching the judge with one hand elevated in a blessing gesture (index and middle fingers raised) and the other holding a piece of cloth over his shoulder (?), the other with a hand placed on his chest. The latter is probably a lawyer.]
Explicit: ‘... laborare ad veritatem habendam xxx q. v. iudicate et C. de tes. nullus etc.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 2, pars 2]
Colophon: ‘Extat h[ec] finis partis secunde domini Nicolai Abbatis super secundum decretalium. Anno nativitatis Milesimo [sic] quadringentesimoseptuagesimoseptimo.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 2, pars 3]
‘De exceptionibus Rubrica.’
Incipit: ‘[V]iso de iure actorum quo muniuntur ut lanceis seu gladiis ...’
Explicit: ‘... [Rubrica De confirmatione utilis vel inutilis]... ad intellectum studentium in hac compilatione ad honorem ipsius Amen.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 2, pars 3]
Colophon: ‘Abbatis tercia pars secundi decretalium libri Basilee impressa prebet finem.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 3]
‘De vita et honestate clericorum. Rubrica’
Incipit: ‘[O]mnipotentis Dei postulato suffragio ...’
[a2r][Woodcut illustrating book III: Inside a church, a priest is depicted in front of an altar with candles, a chalice and a painted panel with Christ on it. He raises the Host with both hands to perform the ritual of the Eucharist. Behind him is a group of clerics and nuns with their hands joined in prayer. Further back, an acolyte forcibly expels three laymen from the sacred space (whose threshold is represented by the door through which they exit), his left hand pushing one of the men’s arm and his left hand threatening him with a stick. The laymen, who are not allowed to witness the ritual, proceed to walk away, the one being pushed turning his head to look at the acolyte and raising his hand in a sign of acquiescence.]
Explicit: ‘... [Rubrica Ne clerici vel monachi secularibus negocys se immisceant.]... In cuius finem Altissimus nos et omen alios tam presentes quam posteros scientie insistentes dirigat per suam ineffabilem clementiam. Abbas.’
‘Finit lectura domini Nicolai super tercio.’
Content Analysis:
Panormitanus de Tudeschis, Nicolaus
‘Solemnis repetitio domini Nicolai § qui vero c. extirpande de prebendis que in lecturis ordinarie non habetur et fuit per ipsum repetita anno Domini M.cccc.xv.’
Incipit: ‘Qui vero iste § solet difficili reputari. Tum propter materiam ...’
Explicit: ‘... ad ecclesiam militantem tutus minime existit et hec est conclusio nova.’
‘Finit liber tercius.’
[[A line above the e in tercius, so as to mark an abbreviation, not needed]]
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 4]
‘Rub. De sponsalibus et matrimoniis.’
Incipit: ‘[S]upra visum est in precedenti libro de actibus et gestibus spectantibus ad clericos. Merito nunc restat videre de spectantibus ad laycos ...’
[a2r][Woodcut illustrating book IV: A bishop is standing between a man and a woman, officiating their marriage. He holds them by their wrists (the right for the groom, the left for the bride), preparing to join their hands to make their union official (dextrarum iunctio). Both spouses are escorted by their respective parties, consisting of three men for the groom and three women for the bride.]
Explicit: ‘... spiritus sancti et gloriose Marie virginis et beati Sebastiani totiusque curie triumphantis. Amen. Abb.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 4]
Colophon: ‘Hec lectura quarti libri decretalium tradita in civitate Senarum per virum insignem et famosum doctorem dominum Nicolaum Siculum finem hoc prebet. Et sequitur eiusdem lectura super quinto.’
Work ID: ICoW 1584
Content Analysis:
[Lectura super libro 5]
‘De accusationibus et inquisitionibus.’
‘Hec rubrica continuari potest duobus modis, primo ad precedentia, secundo ad sequentia. Et primo supra visum est de accusationibus civilibus, sequitur videre de criminalibus. Vel sic et secundo ad sequentia. Tractaturus auctor in quinto de crimimalibus [sic] et penis eorum quia super eis quinque proceditur per accusationem, quinque per inquisitionem quinque per denunciationem ideo primo de his premittit.’
Incipit: ‘[S]i legitimus. Hoc dicit in summa de persona accusatoris ...’
[g1r][Woodcut illustrating book V: A secular judge is depicted enthroned, his right hand raised to address a man on the left. He is accompanied by two men who are talking to each other as he approaches the judge and addresses him with his hand gestures, pleading his case. On the opposite side are three other men, one of whom raises a hand to object and one of whom raises a hand to address the judge, holding in his other hand the hat that he has removed. ]
Explicit: ‘... [Rubrica De regulis iuris]... Iuramentum vero obediente concernit spiritualia et pertinentia ad officium prelati et licita dumtaxat et hoc habet in se datio spritualium quia subditus debet obedire prelato. Ad quam obedientiam [Christus] crucifixus nos perducat. Amen.’
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 2 Inc.c.a. 644 c-1-4, l. [a2r]
Open in Mirador Mirador
Illustrations: Five woodcuts at the beginning of the main sections.
Iconclass: pope; insignia of the pope, e.g. tiara; sitting on an elevation; codex - LL - codex open; cardinal; insignia of cardinal, e.g. hat, mantle; sceptre, staff (symbol of sovereignty); Canon Law; 'Legge canonica' (Ripa); head-gear: cap; head-gear: hat; baring the head, lifting one's hat; 'Giudice' (Ripa); handwriting, writing as activity; arm or hand held in front of the chest; accusation (in court); the accused; accusing; judicial duel; lawyer, attorney at law; plea, defence; sitting on the ground; index finger forwards, pointing, indicating; seal, stamp; judicial duel; priest (Roman Catholic); tonsure; 'elevatio', showing the Sacred Host and Chalice; the Eucharist ~ the fourth of the seven sacraments; chalice; altar with altar-piece; altar; candlesticks and candles, e.g. Easter-candlestick; 'portraits' of Christ; kneeling on both knees; hands with finger-tips against each other; nun(s); acolyte, chorister, lector, ostiarius, etc. ~ functionaries in Roman Catholic church; walking-stick, staff, cane; threshold; pushing something; gripping someone by the shoulder; strife of laity and clergy; threatening behaviour, challenging; interior of church; archbishop, bishop, etc. (Roman Catholic); insignia of bishop, e.g. mitre, crozier; shaking hands, 'dextrarum junctio'; gripping someone by the hand or the wrist; clasped hands; couple before the priest ~ marriage; members of bridal party; witnesses; veil; hand on the heart; court-room; baring the head, lifting one's hat; 61B2(GREGORYIX); 31A25521(+932) palm of the hand turned up (+ addressing); 31A25561(+911) index finger and middle finger raised, closed (+ saluting, showing reverence); 31A2745(+921) grasping something (+ threatening; fury); 31AA25521(+932) palm of the hand turned up - AA - both arms or hands (+ addressing)
Format: folio
Support material: paper
Collation: Vol. 1 (I): Vol. 1: [a-e¹⁰; f-l¹⁰ m⁶ n-q¹⁰ r s ⁸; t-y¹⁰ z⁸ A-F¹⁰ G-I⁸ K¹⁰]. Vol. 2 (II.1): [a-f¹⁰⁸ g h¹⁰ i⁶ k-z A-F⁸¹⁰ G¹⁰ H-K⁸]. Vol. 3 (II.2-3): [a¹⁰ b⁸ cd¹⁰ e-h¹⁰⁸ i-m⁸¹⁰ n-v¹⁰⁸ x
Subject: Law-canon (ius canonicum)
Genre: Lectura/Commentum
Period: early modern
Language: Latin
Completeness: medium — Source: digital copy
Editors ICo: MAPF, CM
Editor(s) TEXT-inc: SysAdmin, incalessandra
Cite as: ICo 2884, by A. Panzanelli, C. Marangoni <https://www.iuscommuneonline.unito.it/ICo/2884> [2025:02:22]