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ICo 4908
Type: MS
Headings: Bartolus de SaxoferratoLectura super prima parte Infortiati
Work ID: ICoW 1209
Content Analysis:
a1rIncipit: ‘[Q]uia hic non est caput libri considerata divisione legislatoris ut ultra dicam ideo obmitto etc. ...’
mm8vExplicit: ‘... Et sic est finis huius prime partis’
Explicit lectura prime partis Inforciati edita per dominum Bartholum de Saxoferrato doctorem legum profundissimum. Laus sit Deo etc.
Layout: 2 columns; Signature
Illustrations: Illumination on a1r (the only leaf on parchment: on the upper half there is a vignette (150x180 mm) with three figures: the Virgin and the Child sitting on a throne ad looking at each other; St Sabastian of the left, looking at them. The background is blue, and the throne is light green. A frame with foliation in colours and gold.
Iconclass: Mary sitting or enthroned, the Christ-child in front of her in her lap (or in front of her bosom); male saints (with NAME) - martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of male saint
Remarks: Manuscript written to be published, written by an individual; writing system based on minuscule; gothic textura is used for tituli and initials are alternte red and bly with penwork. Original manuscript signature can be seen on the bottom left-end corner. It starts on the third gathering by naming it b. Later on someone has marked each quire to create a finale Register.
Format: folio
Support material: paper and parchment
Collation: a-i¹⁰ k¹⁴ l-n¹⁰ o⁸ p-z¹⁰ (et)¹⁴ (con rum)¹⁰ aa-hh¹⁰ ii⁸ k¹² ll-mm¹⁰
Measurements: 438x290 mm
Sheet size: Super Royal
Extent (leaves): 385
Lines: 51
Ruling system: lead-point ruling
Writing: Diplomatic minuscule; Gothic rotunda
Watermarks: dragon (70x50) (various state, including some new, ll. 89, 308, 314); cross upon three mounts (90x30, l. 217); rampant lion the head looks like that of a bear)
Completeness: minimum
Editor ICo: MAPF
Cite as: ICo 4908, by A. Panzanelli <https://www.iuscommuneonline.unito.it/ICo/4908> [2025:02:22]