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ICo 4926
Type: MS
Headings: Gregorius IX, Pont. Max.Decretales (sive Liber extra)
Heading remarks: Corpus iuris canonici editio Lipsiensis secunda post Aemilii Ludovici Richteri curas ad librorum manu scriptorum et editionis romanae fidem recognovit et adnotatione critica cur. Aemilius Friedberg, Graz Akademische Druck-U. Verlagsanstalt 1955-1995 vol. I: Decretum Gratiani (1995) vol. II: Decretalium collectiones (1955), vol. II pp. 6-927; Repertorium fontium historiae medii aevi primum ab Augusto Potthast digestum, nunc cura collegii historicorum e pluribus nationibus emendatum et auctum 11 voll., Roma (1984), vol. V pp. 231-2; Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (500-1500) cur. Michael Lapidge - Gian Carlo Garfagnini - Claudio Leonardi - Francesco Santi et al., Firenze (2013), vol. IV 4 p. 430; Ernest Coyecque, "Amiens (CGM 19), Manuscrits 1-932", 1893 (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France), p. 163; Jacques Dalarun (ed.), François Boespflug, Patrick Boucheron, Patrick Gautier Dalche, Christian Heck, Robert Jacob, Didier Lett, Perrine Mane, Michel Pastoreau, Daniel Russo, Jean-Claude Schmitt, Jean-Baptiste Lebigue, Olivier Legendre, Odile Lepinay, Claudia Rabel, Patricia Stirnemann, "Le Moyen Age en lumière. Manuscrits enluminés des bibliothèques de France", Paris, Fayard, 2002, p. 231, 391; Jean Vilbas (ed.), "Le fond de l'histoire. Arrière-plans, décors et paysages dans les miniatures médiévales de la collection amiénoise, Exposition présentée du 16 septembre au 31 octobre 2002, Bibliothèque Louis Aragon", Amiens, Amiens, Société des Amis de la bibliothèque, 2002, notice 14 pp. 48-49.
Date: from 1375 to 1400 ca. (attributed)
Work ID: ICoW 1415
Content Analysis:
3rIncipiunt principia de decretalium secundum novam compilationem. Liber primus incipit rubrica.
[Bulla "Rex pacificus"]
Incipit: ‘Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei ...’
294rExplicit: ‘... facere quis homagium compellatur.’
Work ID: ICoW 1421
Content Analysis:
3rIncipit: ‘An huius libri principio ...’
294rExplicit: ‘... de pactis pactiones.’
Link to digital copy: https://initiale.irht.cnrs.fr/codex/6018/570
Amiens, Bibliothèque Louis Aragon Ms. 357, f. 3r
Open in Mirador Mirador
Layout: 2 columns; Textus inclusus (Glossa)
Illustrations: F. 3r: Pope Gregory IX is depicted seated while grasping (or perhaps handing over) a rose-bound volume, which is offered to him by a kneeling friar, presumably to be identified with Raymond de Peñafort. Behind the friar is a group of people among whom one can recognise a Benedictine friar, a Franciscan friar, a bishop and a jurist. The pope is depicted under an architectural structure consisting of two columns and an arch, while the rest of the characters are on the outside. Below is a historiated initial containing the portrait of Pope Gregory IX. F. 3v: illuminated initial with a portrait of a cross-nimbed Christ. F. 79r: a pope acting as a judge is depicted seated on a throne, his right hand on a volume to legitimise the law he enforces and his left hand raised to address the people around him. On his right, along with a tonsured friar, is the bishop Quodvultdeus, who raises both his hands to express his opposition to being judged by his peers. On the pope’s left side are two more bishops, one raising his hands in an argumentative manner. F. 231v: the Pope is depicted as an enthroned judge holding a volume and is surrounded by two groups of people. On the left is a group of laymen, one of whom (presumably a notary) kneels presenting an act of accusation written on an unravelled scroll (upon which “denuncio” can be read); behind him stands the plaintiff, who lays his left hand on the scroll and points his right finger in accusation. On the right is a group of clergymen (a bishop and tonsured friars) led by a kneeling friar with a volume in his hands; behind him stands a cleric with another volume and a hand raised in an argumentative manner. The three groups are separated by an architectural structure with three arches supported by columns.
Iconclass: pope; beard; insignia of the pope, e.g. tiara; coat; sitting on an elevation; standing, leaning, sitting or lying with legs crossed; codex; kneeling figure; kneeling before a ruler; monastic orders, monastic life: Benedictines; monastic orders, monastic life: Franciscans; tonsure; coat, cape; archbishop, bishop, etc. (Roman Catholic); insignia of bishop, e.g. mitre, crozier; arch, archivolt ~ architecture; Canon Law; 'Legge canonica' (Ripa); 'portraits' of Christ; cross-nimbus; palm of the hand turned up; bishop's throne; arm or hand held in front of the chest; scroll - LL - scroll unfolded; accusing; lawyer, attorney at law; postures and gestures of the palm of the hand; head-gear: cap; kneeling on both knees; monk(s), friar(s); arch, archivolt ~ architecture; column, pillar ~ architecture
Support material: parchment
Measurements: 466x275 mm
Extent (leaves): 294
Writing: Gothic rotunda
Subject: Law-canon (ius canonicum)
Genre: TEXTUS (Can)
Period: late medieval
Language: Latin
Completeness: medium — Source: bibliography, digital copy
Editor ICo: CM
Cite as: ICo 4926, by C. Marangoni <https://www.iuscommuneonline.unito.it/ICo/4926> [2025:03:07]