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ICo 4941
Type: MS
Headings: Gregorius IX, Pont. Max.Decretales (sive Liber extra)
Bibliography: Bilotta 2016; CALMA
Heading remarks: Corpus iuris canonici editio Lipsiensis secunda post Aemilii Ludovici Richteri curas ad librorum manu scriptorum et editionis romanae fidem recognovit et adnotatione critica cur. Aemilius Friedberg, Graz Akademische Druck-U. Verlagsanstalt 1955-1995 vol. I: Decretum Gratiani (1995) vol. II: Decretalium collectiones (1955), vol. II pp. 6-927; Repertorium fontium historiae medii aevi primum ab Augusto Potthast digestum, nunc cura collegii historicorum e pluribus nationibus emendatum et auctum 11 voll., Roma (1984), vol. V pp. 231-2; Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (500-1500) cur. Michael Lapidge - Gian Carlo Garfagnini - Claudio Leonardi - Francesco Santi et al., Firenze (2013), vol. IV 4 p. 430; Taranne, Avranches (CGM in-4° 4), Manuscrits 1-246, 1872 (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques des départements. Tome IV (série in-4°)), p. 506-508; Henri Omont, Avranches (CGM 10), Manuscrits 1-254, 1889 (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France), p. 73-74; Michel Bourgeois-Lechartier, « A la recherche du scriptorium du Mont Saint-Michel », Millénaire monastique du Mont Saint-Michel. Mélanges commémoratifs publiés sous les auspices de la Société parisienne d'histoire et d'archéologie normandes, Paris, P. Lethielleux, 1967, p. 175, 177; Charles Samaran (ed.), Robert Marichal (ed.), "Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste", tome VII, Ouest de la France et Pays de Loire, Paris, CNRS, 1984, p. 555 (ms. éliminé ou douteux) Jean-Luc Leservoisier, Paul Hay, Marine Corbel, "Les manuscrits du Mont-Saint-Michel", Rennes, Editions Ouest-France, 1996, p. 29, 30; Jacques Dalarun (ed.), François Boespflug, Patrick Boucheron, Patrick Gautier Dalche, Christian Heck, Robert Jacob, Didier Lett, Perrine Mane, Michel Pastoreau, Daniel Russo, Jean-Claude Schmitt, Jean-Baptiste Lebigue, Olivier Legendre, Odile Lepinay, Claudia Rabel, Patricia Stirnemann, "Le Moyen Age en lumière, Manuscrits enluminés des bibliothèques de France", Paris, Fayard, 2002, p. 228, 393; Maria Alessandra Bilotta, "Les manuscrits juridiques enluminés du Midi de la France au XIVe siècle: deux nouveaux exemplaires retrouvés en Espagne", Culture religieuse méridionale : les manuscrits et leur contexte artistique, Toulouse, Privat, 2016 (Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 51), p. 280; Frédérique Cahu, "Un témoin de la production du livre juridique à Oxford : Poitiers, Médiathèque François Mitterrand, ms. 122 (139)", Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 60, 2017, p. 359 n. 137.
Place: Padua (attributed)
Date: from 1250 to 1275 ca. (attributed)
Work ID: ICoW 1924
Content Analysis:
f. 1rIncipit: ‘Benedictus episcopus servus servorum dei ...’
[The letter is incomplete.]
Work ID: ICoW 1415
Content Analysis:
5r[Bulla "Rex pacificus"]
Incipit: ‘Gregorius episcopus servus servorum dei ...’
Explicit: ‘... auctoritate sedis apostolice speciali’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating the papal bull: Pope Gregory IX is depicted enthroned, his right hand elevated in a blessing gesture (raised his index and middle finger), his left hand grasping (or perhaps handing over) a volume. The volume is offered to him by a kneeling Dominican friar, presumably to be identified with Raymond de Peñafort, who is accompanied by other friars, one of whom holds another volume and places his hand on his chest. The Pope and the friars are separated by an architectural structure with columns and arches; a white drape serves as the backdrop for the section reserved for the Pope.]
Incipit liber primus de summa trinitate et fide catholica rubrica
Incipit: ‘Innocentius III in concilio generali ...’
61vIncipit liber secundus. De iudiciis. Rubrica
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio affricano. De quodvultdeo ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book II: A cleric is depicted in the centre, his arms crossed and his feet locked in the wooden stock. He is waiting to be judged for a crime, while his lawyer (another cleric, on the right) argues his case by gesticulating in an argumentative manner. On the left, an enthroned pope is depicted as the judge; he lays his left hand on a volume, a symbol of the laws he enforces (in this case, those contained in the Liber Extra), and points with his right hand to the cleric. The gesture suggests that he is pronouncing a verdict. Each character of the scene is depicted under an arch supported by columns, which represent the space of the courtroom. ]
113rIncipit liber tertius. De vita et honestate clericorum. Rubrica
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio maguntino. Ut laici ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book III: The image depicts three tonsured friars wearing white hooded robes, personifying the three stages of life. On the left is the youngest (he is beardless), shown in three-quarter view; he is holding a small volume and raising his right hand, which is covered by the robe. In the centre is the older man (he has a white beard), holding up his right finger and clutching a large volume with his left hand. He is presumably teaching the young novice the doctrine contained in the book. On the right is a middle-aged man (he has a beard), sitting at a writing desk and copying a manuscript. Each of them is depicted under an arch supported by columns.]
162rExplicit liber tertius. Incipit quartus. De sponsalibus et matrimonio. Rubrica
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio tribunensis. De Francia ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book IV: A couple is depicted seated on a bench in an architectural structure, which is made up of two towers and two arches supported by columns. The scene represents their marriage: the groom, on the left, offers a ring to the bride, on the right, who extends her hand to accept it, thus expressing her consent.]
181rExplicit liber quartus. Incipit quintus de accusationibus, inquisitionibus et denuntiationibus. Rubrica
Incipit: ‘Felix papa. Di [sic] legitimus non fuerit ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book V: A pope acting as a judge is depicted seated on the left. His left hand lays on a volume, a representation of the law he is enforcing (in this case, the Liber Extra), his right hand pointing forward to pronounce a verdict. Before him are the defendants, namely a tonsured friar and a woman. They are holding hands, a gesture that identifies them as an illegitimate couple, which is the reason why they are on trial. With his free hand the friar points to his bleeding head, presumably wounded as a result of his transgression, while the woman holds her head in despair. Each character is separated from the other by a column.]
232vExplicit: ‘... quis homagium compellatur. Deo gratias’
Work ID: ICoW 1421
Content Analysis:
5rIncipit: ‘In huius libri principio ...’
232vExplicit: ‘... s(cilicet?) de pactis pacctiones’
Work ID: ICoW 1473
Content Analysis:
234rPrologus novarum constitutionum Innocentii quarti in concilio lugdinensi [sic]
Incipit: ‘Innocentius episcopus servus servorum dei ...’
247rExplicit: ‘... seu iuribus parcium derogari’
Work ID: ICoW 1476
Content Analysis:
234rIncipit: ‘Cum in multis et ...’
247rExplicit: ‘... planum est qualibus dicitur Bernardus’
Work ID: ICoW 1921
Content Analysis:
247vPrologus novarum decretalium Alexandri quarti
Incipit: ‘Alexander quartus ad perpetuam ...’
255rExplicit: ‘... Expliciunt novae constitutiones Alexandri quarti’
Work ID: ICoW 1925
Content Analysis:
255rPrologus novarum constitutionum Clementis pape quarti
Incipit: ‘Clemens quartus ad perpetuam ...’
256rExplicit: ‘... nosciantur manentibus semper salvus’
Work ID: ICoW 1479
Content Analysis:
256rPrologus novarum decretalium Gregorii decimum concilium lugdunensis rubrica
Incipit: ‘Gregorius decimus in concilio lugdunensis ...’
264vExplicit: ‘... lucum aliquem tenus non habere’
Avranches, Bibliothèque patrimoniale Ms. 150, f. 5r
Open in Mirador Mirador
Binding: reboundrebound
Layout: 2 columns; Textus inclusus (Glossa)
Illustrations: Illuminated frontispieces on ff. 5r (illustration of the papal bull "Rex pacificus": Pope Gregory IX receiving the book of the Decretales), 61v (illustration of book II, "De iudiciis": Judgment scene), 113r (illustration of book III, "De vita et honestate clericorum": Three friars representing the three ages of men), 162r (illustration of book IV, "De sponsalibus": Marriage cerimony) and 181r (illustration of book V, "De accusationibus, inquisitionibus et denunciationibus": Judgement of an illegitimate couple). 180 ornamental initials, 137 marginal grotesques and flourished initials.
Iconclass: pope; insignia of the pope, e.g. tiara; sitting on an elevation; beard; blessing (either of things or persons), e.g. by anointing; index finger and middle finger raised, closed; codex; kneeling before a ruler; kneeling on both knees; monastic orders, monastic life: Dominicans; monk(s), friar(s); tonsure; coat; arm or hand held in front of the chest; index finger forwards, pointing, indicating; Canon Law; 'Legge canonica' (Ripa); arch, archivolt ~ architecture; drapery, draped garment, 'Gewandgebung'; 'Giudice' (Ripa); throne; judicial verdict; in the pillory, in the stocks; arms crossed over the breast; the accused; ordering the execution of a verdict; plea, defence; court session (court of justice); column, pillar ~ architecture; human life divided into stages; novice; 'manus velatae' (hands covered with a cloth); teacher and pupil; old man; index finger upwards; adult man; writing-table, writing-desk; parchment, vellum (writing material); quill; pen-knife; marriage, married couple, 'matrimonium'; the consent (of marriage); exchange of rings ~ marriage; wedding ring; tower (of house or building); abuses of monks; mistress; 'caput manui innixum', head held in the hand(s); couple of lovers; gripping someone by the hand or the wrist; clasped hands; criminal law; punishment; adultery; court-room
Support material: parchment
Measurements: 445x270 mm
Extent (leaves): 267
Writing: Gothic rotunda
Subject: Law-canon (ius canonicum)
Genre: TEXTUS (Can)
Period: late medieval
Language: Latin
Completeness: medium — Source: bibliography, digital copy
Editor ICo: CM
Cite as: ICo 4941, by C. Marangoni <https://www.iuscommuneonline.unito.it/ICo/4941> [2025:02:23]