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ICo 4958
Type: MS
Headings: Gregorius IX, Pont. Max.Decretales (sive Liber extra), books I-II
Heading remarks: Corpus iuris canonici editio Lipsiensis secunda post Aemilii Ludovici Richteri curas ad librorum manu scriptorum et editionis romanae fidem recognovit et adnotatione critica cur. Aemilius Friedberg, Graz Akademische Druck-U. Verlagsanstalt 1955-1995 vol. I: Decretum Gratiani (1995) vol. II: Decretalium collectiones (1955), vol. II pp. 6-927; Repertorium fontium historiae medii aevi primum ab Augusto Potthast digestum, nunc cura collegii historicorum e pluribus nationibus emendatum et auctum 11 voll., Roma (1984), vol. V pp. 231-2; Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (500-1500) cur. Michael Lapidge - Gian Carlo Garfagnini - Claudio Leonardi - Francesco Santi et al., Firenze (2013), vol. IV 4 p. 430; Auguste Molinier, Cambrai (CGM 17), Manuscrits 1-1398, 1891 (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France), p. 110; Frédérique Cahu, "Un témoin de la production du livre universitaire dans la France du XIIIe siècle : la collection des "Décrétales" de Grégoire IX", Turnhout, Brepols, 2013 (Bibliologia, 35), p. 411-412.
Date: from 1250 to 1275 ca. (attributed)
Work ID: ICoW 1415
Content Analysis:
[The volume only contains books I and II; the rest is bound separately in Cambrai, Le Labo, ms. 289 (ICo no. 4959).]
2r[Bulla "Rex pacificus".]
Incipit: ‘Gregorius episcopus servus servorum dei ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating the papal bull: Pope Gregory IX is depicted enthroned, his right hand holding a ferula (the Pope’s staff) and his right hand grasping (or perhaps handing over) a volume bound with a tie on the fore-edge. The volume is offered by a group of five tonsured friars, one of whom raises his hand to address the Pope. The latter is separated from the group by an architectural structure with towers on the top and two trefoil arches divided by a column. ]
2vExplicit: ‘... auctoritate sedis apostolice speciali’
Incipit: ‘Innocentius quartus in concilio generali ...’
De summa trinitate et fide catholica
[Historiated initial illustrating book I: Representation of the Trinity: God the Father and Christ are depicted sitting on a bench. Their portrayal is identical and does not allow for them to be distinguished: they are both elevating their right hands in a blessing gesture (index and middle finger raised) and holding a volume with their left hands. The volume should perhaps be seen as a visualisation of the Liber Extra, therefore the image may suggest the divine legitimisation of the law collection. Between the two flies the dove of the Holy Ghost, descending from above. All three entities composing the Trinity are haloed.]
154rIncipit liber secundus de iudiciis
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio affricano. De quovuldeo centuriensis episcopo ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book II: An ecclesiastical judge is depicted enthroned, his right index raised to address the people in front of him and his left hand reaching for a document with a seal hanging from it. The document, presumably an indictment act (the libellus, whose delivery marks the beginning of the court case), is handed to him by a cleric standing before him. The man is standing between two more clerics, one of whom is holding another written document. Behind the judge stand another tonsured cleric and a bearded jurist, recognisable by his elegant clothes and his hat. The latter raises a hand to deny the accusation against his client, who is probably the man standing next to him. The scene is set under a trefoil arch surmounted by a cusp and some pinnacles on top; the architectural structure could suggest that the trial scene is taking place in a courtroom.]
Work ID: ICoW 1409
Content Analysis:
2r[The gloss probably starts on the previous folio, but the digitisation used to create this record is incomplete. ]
Incipit: ‘Servus quia qui maior est vestrum fiat ...’
Cambrai, Le Labo Ms. 288, f. 2r
Open in Mirador Mirador
Layout: 2 columns; Textus inclusus (Glossa)
Illustrations: Illuminated frontispieces on ff. 2r (illustration of the papal bull: Gregory IX enthroned receiving the book of the Decretales), 2v (illustration of book I, "De trinitate et fide catholica": The Trinity), 154r (illustration of book II, "De iudiciis": Trial scene with ecclesiastical judge). Flourished initials in red and blue.
Iconclass: pope; insignia of the pope, e.g. tiara; nimbus, halo ~ radiance emanating from persons or things; beard; sceptre, staff (symbol of sovereignty); sitting on an elevation; throne; codex; monk(s), friar(s); tonsure; palm of the hand turned up; Canon Law; 'Legge canonica' (Ripa); interior of church; arch, archivolt ~ architecture; column, pillar ~ architecture; tower, clock tower ~ monumental adornment; ornament ~ geometric motifs; God the Father enthroned, usually with sceptre and/or globe; adult Christ together with others (non-narrative representations); index finger and middle finger raised, closed; blessing (either of things or persons), e.g. by anointing; Holy Ghost represented as a dove (in flames); Trinity in which God the Father and Christ are represented as persons, the Holy Ghost as dove; 'Giudice' (Ripa); index finger upwards; accusing; accusation (in court); handwriting, written text; seal, stamp; the accused; lawyer, attorney at law; head-gear: cap; counsellor; plea, defence; court-room; decorated gable; judicial duel; court session (court of justice); God the Father and Christ as identical persons
Remarks: This volume contains the first two books of the Decretales, the rest (books III-V) is bound separately in Cambrai, Le Labo, ms. 289 (ICo no. 4959).
Support material: parchment
Measurements: 487x327 mm
Extent (leaves): 290
Writing: Littera textualis
Subject: Law-canon (ius canonicum)
Genre: TEXTUS (Can)
Period: late medieval
Language: Latin
Completeness: minimum — Source: bibliography
Editor ICo: CM
Cite as: ICo 4958, by C. Marangoni <https://www.iuscommuneonline.unito.it/ICo/4958> [2025:02:23]