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ICo 4959
Type: MS
Headings: Gregorius IX, Pont. Max.Decretales (sive Liber extra), books III-V
Heading remarks: Corpus iuris canonici editio Lipsiensis secunda post Aemilii Ludovici Richteri curas ad librorum manu scriptorum et editionis romanae fidem recognovit et adnotatione critica cur. Aemilius Friedberg, Graz Akademische Druck-U. Verlagsanstalt 1955-1995 vol. I: Decretum Gratiani (1995) vol. II: Decretalium collectiones (1955), vol. II pp. 6-927; Repertorium fontium historiae medii aevi primum ab Augusto Potthast digestum, nunc cura collegii historicorum e pluribus nationibus emendatum et auctum 11 voll., Roma (1984), vol. V pp. 231-2; Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (500-1500) cur. Michael Lapidge - Gian Carlo Garfagnini - Claudio Leonardi - Francesco Santi et al., Firenze (2013), vol. IV 4 p. 430; Auguste Molinier, Cambrai (CGM 17), Manuscrits 1-1398, 1891 (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France), p. 110; Hjalti Hugason, "Kristni à Islandi, I, Bindi, Frumkristni og upphaf Kirkju", Reykjavik, Alpingi, 2000, fig. p. 225; Frédérique Cahu, "Un témoin de la production du livre universitaire dans la France du XIIIe siècle : la collection des "Décrétales" de Grégoire IX", Turnhout, Brepols, 2013 (Bibliologia, 35), p. 411-412.
Date: from 1250 to 1275 ca. (attributed)
Work ID: ICoW 1415
Content Analysis:
[The volume only contains books III-V; the rest is bound separately in Cambrai, Le Labo, ms. 288 (ICo no. 4958).]
2rIncipit liber tecius [sic]. Ex concilio affricano
Incipit: ‘Ut laici secus altare quando sacra mysteria ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book III: A priest is depicted standing in front of an altar on which is a chalice partially covered by a cloth. He joins his hands in prayer and bows his head, as he prepares to celebrate the Eucharist. Behind him are two acolytes: the one directly behind the priest raises an aspergillum, the other grabs a layman by the shoulders and pushes him away from the altar, as he is not allowed to witness the ritual. The layman turns his head to look at the acolyte and raises his hand as a sign of acquiescence. The scene takes place inside a church, and the threshold of the sacred space is marked by two columns.]
143rIncipit liber quartus. De sponsalibus et matrimoniis
Incipit: ‘De Francia quidam nobilem mulierem ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book IV: A priest is standing between a man and a woman, officiating their marriage. His right hand is raised and his left hand holds the bride’s right wrist, guiding her hand to join the groom’s right hand to make their union official (dextrarum iunctio). Both spouses raise their left hand to express their consent to the marriage. The scene takes place in an interior, perhaps of a church, under a trefoil arch. ]
189rIncipit liber quintus. De accusationibus et inquisitionibus et denunciationibus
Incipit: ‘Si legitimus non fuerit accusator non fatigetur ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book V: A pope acting as a judge is depicted enthroned, under an architectural structure with a trefoil arch. His left hand holds a volume, a representation of the law he is enforcing (in this case, the Liber Extra), and his right index finger is raised, perhaps to signal that he is about to deliver a verdict. Before him stand two clerics in blue cloaks; one is holding the other by the wrist and is pointing at him, presumably to accuse him of a crime. ]
Work ID: ICoW 1421
Content Analysis:
2rIncipit: ‘Ut laici id est supple statuimus ...’
Cambrai, Le Labo Ms. 289, f. 2r
Open in Mirador Mirador
Layout: 2 columns; Textus inclusus (Glossa)
Illustrations: Illuminated frontispieces on ff. 2r (illustration of book III, "De vita et honestate clericorum": Preparation of the Eucharist and expulsion of a layman from the altar space), 143r (illustration of book IV, "De sponsalibus et matrimoniis": Celebration of a marriage) and 189r (illustration of book V, "De accusationibus, inquisitionibus et denunciationibus": Court scene with pope). Flourished initials in red and blue.
Iconclass: priest (Roman Catholic); the Eucharist ~ the fourth of the seven sacraments; hands with finger-tips against each other; chalice; altar-cloths, e.g. veil covering the altar at Lent; altar; acolyte, chorister, lector, ostiarius, etc. ~ functionaries in Roman Catholic church; other utensils used in the church; pushing something; gripping someone by the shoulder; looking over the shoulder; palm of the hand turned up; strife of laity and clergy; column, pillar ~ architecture; interior of church; decorated gable; marriage, married couple, 'matrimonium'; shaking hands, 'dextrarum junctio'; gripping someone by the hand or the wrist; clasped hands; couple before the priest ~ marriage; palm of the hand turned up; the consent (of marriage); arch, archivolt ~ architecture; interior of church; column, pillar ~ architecture; insignia of the pope, e.g. tiara; pope; 'Giudice' (Ripa); throne; codex; index finger upwards; judicial verdict; gripping someone by the hand or the wrist; clasped hands; index finger forwards, pointing, indicating; the accused
Remarks: This volume contains books III, IV and V of the Decretales, the rest (books I-II) is bound separately in Cambrai, Le Labo, ms. 288 (ICo no. 4958).
Support material: parchment
Measurements: 487x327 mm
Extent (leaves): 310
Writing: Littera textualis
Subject: Law-canon (ius canonicum)
Genre: TEXTUS (Can)
Period: late medieval
Language: Latin
Completeness: minimum — Source: bibliography
Editor ICo: CM
Cite as: ICo 4959, by C. Marangoni <https://www.iuscommuneonline.unito.it/ICo/4959> [2025:02:23]