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ICo 4968
Type: MS
Headings: Gregorius IX, Pont. Max.Decretales (sive Liber extra)
Heading remarks: Corpus iuris canonici editio Lipsiensis secunda post Aemilii Ludovici Richteri curas ad librorum manu scriptorum et editionis romanae fidem recognovit et adnotatione critica cur. Aemilius Friedberg, Graz Akademische Druck-U. Verlagsanstalt 1955-1995 vol. I: Decretum Gratiani (1995) vol. II: Decretalium collectiones (1955), vol. II pp. 6-927; Repertorium fontium historiae medii aevi primum ab Augusto Potthast digestum, nunc cura collegii historicorum e pluribus nationibus emendatum et auctum 11 voll., Roma (1984), vol. V pp. 231-2; Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (500-1500) cur. Michael Lapidge - Gian Carlo Garfagnini - Claudio Leonardi - Francesco Santi et al., Firenze (2013), vol. IV 4 p. 430; Gerhardt Powitz/Herbert Buck, "Handschriften des Bartholomaeusstifts und des Karmeliterklosters"; Georg Swarzenski/Rosy Schilling, "Die illuminierten Handschriften und Einzelminiaturen des Mittelalters und der Renaissance in Frankfurter Besitz".
Date: from 1301 to 1350 ca. (attributed)
Content Analysis:
[Index decretalium.]
Work ID: ICoW 1415
Content Analysis:
5r[Bulla "Rex pacificus".]
Incipit: ‘Gregorius episcopus servus servorum dei ...’
Incipit: ‘Historiated initial depicting Pope Gregory IX gesturing with his hands to a group of people standing before him, one of whom is a bishop. ...’
Explicit: ‘... absque autoritate sedis apostolica speciali’
6rIncipit liber primus. De summa trinitate et fide catholica
Incipit: ‘Innocenti terti in concilio generali. Firmiter credimus et simpliciter ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book I: Depiction of the Maiestas Domini (Christ enthroned in a mandorla surrounded by the symbols of the Tetramorph) with the Virgin Mary and Saint Peter.]
87vDe iuditiis. Rubrica
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio affricano. De covultdeo centuriensi episcopo ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book II: A bishop acting as a judge is depicted enthroned, his right hand raised to indicate a group of people on the right consisting of four tonsured clerics, one of whom holds a scroll, presumably an indictment act. The accusation contained in the document probably concerns the bishop on the left, on whom the judge’s gaze is fixed. He is surrounded by another group of clerics and turns his back to the judge, raising both hands. The scene depicts the episode of the bishop Quodvultdeus, who, having been accused by an opponent, refused to be judged by a group of his peers. The scene takes place under three arches; the architectural structure could be a representation of a courtroom.]
154rIncipit liber tertius. De vita et honestate clericorum
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio maguntino. Ut layci secus altare ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book III: The scene takes place in a church, the interior of which is divided into two arches by a column. On the right side is an altar with a chalice on top of it. A priest is standing in front of it, raising the Host with both hands to perform the ritual of the Eucharist. Behind him, two tonsured clerics are kneeling: one holds a torch with one hand and grasps the edge of the priest's coat with the other; the other raises a hand and seems to grasp a black thread descending from the arch (the church bell?). Behind the clerics is depicted a group of laymen, one of whom joins his hands in prayer.]
221vDe sponsalibus et matrimoniis
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio tribu. De Francia quidam nobilem mulierem ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book IV: A priest is standing between a man and a woman, officiating their marriage. He raises his right hand as he guides the celebration of the ritual. The groom, on the right, presents the ring, while the bride, on the left, raises both her hands to express her consent. Both the bride and the groom are escorted by their parties. The members of the parties and the priest are depicted in larger proportions than the spouses, perhaps to indicate their young age. ]
246rInquisitionibus et denuntiatonibus
Incipit: ‘Si legitimus non fuerit accusator non fatigetur ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book V: A pope acting as a judge is depicted enthroned, his left hand holding a volume, a representation of the law he is enforcing (in this case, the Liber Extra), and his right hand raised to indicate the people on the right. The group consists of two tonsured clerics and an elderly man; one of the clerics, presumably a lawyer, holds a scroll in one hand and points to the elderly man (his client?) with the other. On the opposite side stand three men, on whom the judge’s gaze is fixed on. The one wearing a hat may also be a lawyer, as he hands the judge another scroll, while raising his other hand to address him. The scene takes place under three arches; the architectural structure could be a representation of a courtroom.]
306vExplicit: ‘... pro spiritualibus facere quis omaginum [sic] compellatur.’
Work ID: ICoW 1409
Content Analysis:
5rIncipit: ‘Gregorius in huius libri principio ...’
306vExplicit: ‘... de facto vel de iure inducit supra de pactis pactiones’
Work ID: ICoW 1473
Content Analysis:
306vConstitu Innocenti quarti. In concilio lugdunensi. Rubrica
Incipit: ‘Innocentius episcopus servus servorum dei ...’
[Historiated initial depicting the Pope while he is talking to a bishop and a tonsured cleric.]
319rIncipit: ‘pontificatus anno XI. Benedicamus domino deo gratias. Amen ...’
[Closing miniature depicting a man wearing a hat (the scribe? A jurist?) kneeling in front of a haloed saint. Both hold the edge of a scroll which reads: "Tu es vas elec(ti)o(n)is sancte Paule ora pro me". The verse suggests that the saint must be identified with St. Paul.]
Work ID: ICoW 1476
Content Analysis:
306vIncipit: ‘Nota quod infinitas in multis articulis ...’
319rExplicit: ‘... non deberet valere. Ber(nardus). B(er)nar(dus). B(ernar)dus. ’
, Universitätsbibliothek J.C. Senckenberg Ms. Barth. 11, f. 5r
Open in Mirador Mirador
Layout: 2 columns; Textus inclusus (Glossa)
Illustrations: Illuminated frontispieces with foliate borders framing the main text on ff. 6r (illustration of book I, "De summa trinitate et fide catholica": Maiestas Domini with the Virgin Mary and Saint Peter), 87v (illustration of book II, "De iudiciis": Trial scene with bishop), 154r (illustration of book III, "De vita et honestate clericorum": Celebration of the Eucharist with clergy and laity), 221v (illustration of book IV, "De sponsalibus et matrimoniis": Marriage ceremony), 246r (illustration of book V, "De accusationibus, inquisitionibus et denunciationibus": Judgement scene with pope). Historiated initials at the beginning of the prologues and of each book, ornamental initials at the beginning of each chapter (in the text and in the gloss).
Iconclass: palm of the hand turned up - AA - both arms or hands; archbishop, bishop, etc. (Roman Catholic); insignia of bishop, e.g. mitre, crozier; debate, discussion (~ meeting); 'Majestas Domini': Christ in mandorla seated on a rainbow or sphere and accompanied by the Tetramorph; sitting on an elevation; palm of the hand turned up; nimbus, halo ~ radiance emanating from persons or things; Christ enthroned; codex - LL - codex open; palm of the hand turned up - AA - both arms or hands; the Virgin Mary; Tetramorph: human figure with four different heads (human head, ox, eagle, lion); pope; insignia of the pope, e.g. tiara; monk(s), friar(s); tonsure; scroll - LL - scroll unfolded; court session (court of justice); court-room; arch, archivolt ~ architecture; column, pillar ~ architecture; interior of church; priest (Roman Catholic); 'elevatio', showing the Sacred Host and Chalice; bread, Host; the Eucharist ~ the fourth of the seven sacraments; chalice; altar-cloths, e.g. veil covering the altar at Lent; altar; hands with finger-tips against each other; kneeling on both knees; torch; candlesticks and candles, e.g. Easter-candlestick; coat; church bell; marriage, married couple, 'matrimonium'; couple before the priest ~ marriage; exchange of rings ~ marriage; wedding ring; the consent (of marriage); witnesses; witnesses; members of bridal party; 'Giudice' (Ripa); codex; scroll - LL - scroll unfolded; plea, defence; lawyer, attorney at law; beard; old man; handwriting, written text; judicial duel; head-gear: cap
Support material: parchment
Measurements: 435x270 mm
Extent (leaves): 319
Subject: Law-canon (ius canonicum)
Genre: TEXTUS (Can)
Period: late medieval
Language: Latin
Completeness: medium — Source: digital copy, bibliography
Editor ICo: CM
Cite as: ICo 4968, by C. Marangoni <https://www.iuscommuneonline.unito.it/ICo/4968> [2025:02:23]