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ICo 4984
Type: MS
Headings: Gregorius IX, Pont. Max.Decretales (sive Liber extra)
Bibliography: CALMA; Repertorio de historia de las ciencias eclesiásticas en España; Haidinger 1997; Roland 1996; Schmidt 1963; Díaz Y. Díaz 1958; Schimek 1891
Heading remarks: C.A.L.M.A., vol. IV 4, p. 430; Repertorio de historia de las ciencias eclesiásticas en España, p. 47; Haidinger 1997, pp. 50, 57, 71, 72 Abb. 11, 78, 79; Roland 1996, p. 60; Schmidt 1963, p. 112 Nr. 188; Díaz Y. Díaz 1958, Nr.1325; Schimek 1891, p. 545.
Date: from 1250 to 1300 ca. (expressed)
Work ID: ICoW 1415
Content Analysis:
1r[Papal bull "Rex pacificus".]
Incipit: ‘Gregorius episcopus servus servorum dei ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating the papal bull: Pope Gregory IX is depicted enthroned inside an architectural structure with columns and pointed arches. He raises his right index finger to address the people in front of him and with his left hand he grasps (or perhaps hands over) a volume. The volume is offered to him by a kneeling Dominican friar, presumably to be identified with Raymond de Peñafort. Behind Raymond stand another Dominican and a tonsured cleric. On the opposite side of the throne stand three men addressing the Pope with hand gestures, probably to be identified with jurists because of their clothing (hat, fur-lined cloaks): their presence represents the university community to which the collection of laws is also addressed.]
Explicit: ‘... auctoritate sedis appostolice speciali’
Incipit: ‘Innocentius tertius in concilio generali ...’
De summa trinitate et fide catholica
72vIncipit liber secundus de iudiciis
Incipit: ‘Ex concil(io) affricano. De quo vult deo ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book II: A secular judge is depicted enthroned in a central position, visually suggesting his impartiality in the administration of justice. He holds an open book in his lap, pointing to the exact law he is about to enforce. On either side of the throne are four people, the most central of whom are probably the lawyers of the two parties. Both of them address the judge by raising an index finger. The scene takes place in an architectural structure with pointed arches and columns dividing the space into sections, each occupied by a person. ]
141rIncipit liber tercius de vita et honestate clericorum
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio maguntino. Ut layci secus altare ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book III: Inside a church, a priest is depicted standing in front of an altar. He elevates his right hand in a blessing gesture (index and middle fingers raised) as he grasps a chalice partially covered by a cloth, preparing to celebrate the ritual of the Eucharist. Behind him, an acolyte raises his index finger to warn two lay people not to approach the altar, as they are allowed to witness the ritual. On the opposite side of the altar stand three more men, perhaps identifiable as jurists by their attire (hat, fur-lined cloaks). They all raise their index finger in response to the priest’s blessing. The church interior has a row of pointed arches and columns dividing the space into sections, each occupied by a person. ]
207rIncipit liber quartus. De sponsalibus et matrimoniis
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio triburiense. De Francia quidam nobilem ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book IV: A priest is standing between a man and a woman, officiating their marriage. He holds them by their right wrists, preparing to join their hands to make their union official (dextrarum iunctio). Both spouses are escorted by members of their party, namely three people each. The scene takes place in an architectural structure with pointed arches and columns dividing the space into sections, each occupied by a person. ]
229rIncipit liber quintus. De accusationibus inquisitionibus et denunciationibus
Incipit: ‘Si legittimus non fuerit accusator ...’
[Illuminated frontispiece illustrating book V: A pope acting as a judge is depicted enthroned in a central position, visually suggesting his impartiality in the administration of justice. He holds a volume in his lap, a visualisation of the laws he enforces (in this case, those contained in the Liber Extra). On either side of the throne are three tonsured people, the most central of whom are probably the lawyers of the two parties. The one on the left addresses the judge by raising an index finger, while the other points to the ground. The scene takes place in an architectural structure with pointed arches and columns dividing the space into sections, each occupied by a person.]
289rExplicit: ‘... facere quis homagium compellatur. Explicit liber quintus ’
Work ID: ICoW 1421
Content Analysis:
1rIncipit: ‘In huius libri principio ...’
289rExplicit: ‘... de facto vel de iure inducit supra de pactis pactiones’
Work ID: ICoW 1473
Content Analysis:
289vIncipit: ‘Innocentius quartus. De rescriptis. Cum in multis ...’
303vExplicit: ‘... seu iuribus partium derogari’
Work ID: ICoW 1476
Content Analysis:
289vIncipit: ‘Cum in multis (articulis?) infinitas ...’
303vExplicit: ‘... non deberet valere. Bernardus’
Link to digital copy: https://www.manuscriptorium.com/apps/index.php?direct=record&pid=LILIEN-SLA___HS_224______2GE9C62-en#search
Binding: reboundrebound
Layout: 2 columns; Textus inclusus (Glossa)
Illustrations: Illuminated frontispieces on ff. 1r (illustration of the papal bull: Pope Gregory IX receives the book of the Decretales), 72v (illustration of book II, "De iudiciis": Judgement scene with secular judge), 141r (illustration of book III, "De vita et honestate clericorum": Expulsion of lay people from the celebration of the Eucharist), 207r (illustration of book IV, "De sponsalibus": Wedding ceremony) and 229r (illustration of book V, "De accusationibus, inquisitionibus et denunciationibus": Judgement scene with pope). Illuminated ornamental initials at the beginning of each book. Flourished initials and paragraph signs alternatively in red and blue throughout the volume. Rubrics and running titles in red and blue. The ornamental decorations seems to be in an Italian style, whereas the miniatures and their drôleries appear to be French.
Iconclass: pope; insignia of the pope, e.g. tiara; sitting figure; bishop's throne; codex; kneeling figure; kneeling before a ruler; monk(s), friar(s); tonsure; monastic orders, monastic life ~ Roman Catholic church; monastic orders, monastic life: Dominicans; head-gear: cap; lawyer, attorney at law; Canon Law; 'Legge canonica' (Ripa); arch, archivolt ~ architecture; column, pillar ~ architecture; 'Giudice' (Ripa); sitting on an elevation; codex - LL - codex open; index finger forwards, pointing, indicating; judicial duel; court-room; court session (court of justice); priest (Roman Catholic); the Eucharist ~ the fourth of the seven sacraments; chalice; altar-cloths, e.g. veil covering the altar at Lent; acolyte, chorister, lector, ostiarius, etc. ~ functionaries in Roman Catholic church; interior of church; marriage, married couple, 'matrimonium'; couple before the priest ~ marriage; shaking hands, 'dextrarum junctio'; gripping someone by the hand or the wrist; clasped hands; witnesses; members of bridal party; court-room; 61B2(GREGORYIX); 31A25551(+932) index finger upwards (+ addressing); 11H(RAYMUND) the Dominican friar and founder of the Mercedarians, Raymund of Pennafort; possible attributes: crucifix, key, lily; 31A25561(+915) index finger and middle finger raised, closed (+ blessing); 31A25551(+9324) index finger upwards (+ warning, admonishing); 41D2121(+43) coat (+ fur used for clothes); 31A25552(+64) index finger forwards, pointing, indicating (+ downward)
Support material: parchment
Measurements: 410x270 mm
Extent (leaves): 304
Subject: Law-canon (ius canonicum)
Genre: TEXTUS (Can)
Period: late medieval
Language: Latin
Completeness: medium — Source: digital copy, bibliography
Editor ICo: CM
Cite as: ICo 4984, by C. Marangoni <https://www.iuscommuneonline.unito.it/ICo/4984> [2025:02:23]