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ICo 5003
Type: MS
Headings: Gregorius IX, Pont. Max.Decretales (sive Liber extra)
Date: from 1301 to 1400 ca. (attributed)
Work ID: ICoW 1415
Content Analysis:
4rDe summa trinitate et fide katholica
[Bulla "Rex pacificus".]
Incipit: ‘Gregorius episcopus servus servorum dei ...’
4r [Historiated initial illustrating the papal bull: Pope Gregory IX is depicted seated, both his hands grasping (or perhaps handing over) an open volume. The volume is offered to him by a tonsured friar kneeling before him, presumably to be identified with Raymond de Peñafort, who is pointing at the text written on the pages (it reads “Grego(rius)”). ]
110rIncipit: ‘Ex concilio affricano. De quo wlteo ...’
[Historiated initial illustrating book II: A secular judge is depicted seated in a frontal position, visually suggesting his impartiality in the administration of justice. His right hand holds a volume, a visualisation of the laws he enforces (in this case, those contained in the Liber Extra), and his right hand raised to address the people in front of him. On either side of him is a man with a veil (?) on the head. The one on the left points in accusation to his opponent, who raises a hand to object. ]
209vIncipit liber tertius de vita et honestate clericorum
Incipit: ‘Ex concilio maguntinensis. Ut layci secus altare ...’
[Historiated initial illustrating book III: A pope is depicted enthroned, his right hand elevated in a blessing gesture (index and middle finger raised). On either side of the throne is a kneeling man, perhaps a cleric and a layman.]
315vIncipit: ‘De Francia quidam nobilem mulierem ...’
[Historiated initial illustrating book IV: A notary is standing between a man and a woman, officiating their marriage. He holds them by their right wrists, preparing to join their hands to make their union official (dextrarum iunctio). ]
464rExplicit: ‘... pro spiritualibus facere quis homagium conpellatur’
Work ID: ICoW 1409
Content Analysis:
3vIncipit: ‘In huius libri principio quinque sunt ...’
464rExplicit: ‘... de iure vel de facto inducit supra de pactis pactiones. Bernardus’
Layout: 2 columns; Textus inclusus (Glossa)
Illustrations: Historiated initials on ff. 4r (illustration of the papal bull: Pope Gregory IX receives the book of the Decretales), 110r (illustration of book II, "De iudiciis": Judgement scene with secular judge), 209v (illustration of book III, "De vita et honestate clericorum": Enthroned pope), 315r (illustration of book IV, "De sponsalibus": Wedding ceremony).
Iconclass: pope; insignia of the pope, e.g. tiara; sitting on an elevation; codex - LL - codex open; kneeling figure; kneeling before a ruler; monk(s), friar(s); tonsure; monastic orders, monastic life: Dominicans; index finger forwards, pointing, indicating; Canon Law; 'Legge canonica' (Ripa); 'Giudice' (Ripa); head-gear: cap; codex; judicial duel; court session (court of justice); accusation (in court); the accused; accusing; sitting on an elevation; marriage, married couple, 'matrimonium'; shaking hands, 'dextrarum junctio'; coat; veil; 61B2(GREGORYIX); 11H(RAYMUND); 41D2122(+43) cape (+ fur used for clothes); 31A25521(+932) palm of the hand turned up (+ addressing); 31A25552(+9211) index finger forwards, pointing, indicating (+ accusing); 31A25521(+923) palm of the hand turned up (+ defending oneself); 31A25561(+915) index finger and middle finger raised, closed (+ blessing)
Support material: parchment
Extent (leaves): 449
Subject: Law-canon (ius canonicum)
Genre: TEXTUS (Can)
Period: late medieval
Language: Latin
Completeness: minimum — Source: digital copy
Editor ICo:
Cite as: ICo 5003, by <https://www.iuscommuneonline.unito.it/ICo/5003> [2025:02:23]